Getting Amarok or GTKpod to work with iphone 3g or itouch 2g!

If you one of those guys rejoiced when you finally jailbroke your itouch 2g, you end up realizing you can’t sync your itouch 2G or iphone 3G in linux.  The reason behind the this mishap is because the iphones/itouches of with the 2.x firmware changed up the hash scheme from 16 to 64bits. So it messed up the gtkpod and amarok in the process…so being that said lets revert back to the old db!

So there’s a solution…

If you ssh into iphone/itouch or use Terminal within, you can edit like this

pico /System/Library/Lockdown/Checkpoint.xml

and find within the Checkpoint.xml file for…




Restart your iphone/itouch and celebrate like I did :S

Oh yeah for further info on how to sync your songs over check here:
Gentoo Users just mount the iphone/itouch with sshfs on /media/ipod

mount -t sshfs root@[iphone's ip or hostname]:~ /media/ipod #using the root account

just remember the default password for jailbroken root accounts is “alpine” (remember to change it!)
